For the modernistic wrestling fan, the Mental attitude Era is fondly looked backed at as the greatest time in wrestling history. They had the greatest Superstars, the greatest storylines, and the greatest audiences of all time while the WWE was riding the biggest moving ridge of momentum they ever had, or volition ever accept. Nostalgia has a funny way of making us expect at the past with rose colored glasses as nosotros're about to come across when taking a look dorsum at the darkest moments to come up from the "greatest" time in wrestling history.

Betwixt some of the most insane stories you could ever imagine and some of the worst wrestlers being employed in WWE history, there was no shortage of really awful moments to chose from. Fifty-fifty though The Attitude Era was rather brusque-lived, information technology did manage to produce some of the greatest moments in wrestling, as well as more than than information technology's off-white share of the worst.

twenty xx. Rikishi Does It For The Rock

The WWE found themselves in position yet again to create a new main event Superstar when Steve Austin had to be written off television so he could undergo neck surgery, leading to him getting hitting past a car in the parking lot before Survivor Serial in 1999. The biggest star of the era was going to be out for a considerable amount of time and whoever was responsible for the attack would surely exist launched into the stratosphere, competing in his spot for titles right?

Well things didn't piece of work out quite like that when the WWE decided that perennial mid carder, the dance car, Rikishi would be tabbed as the one behind the bicycle. Any possible chance that they had of making Rikishi the next big bad principal outcome heel was ruined pretty much immediately when he admitted that his biggest motivating factor in the attack wasn't considering he had a major alter in attitude and was determined to practice whatsoever it took to make it to the meridian. No, instead he "did it for The Rock."

It didn't take long for the WWE to realize the mistake they fabricated and they quickly pushed the responsibility, and heat, for the attack from the big Samoan to Triple H instead.

xix 19. Austin Almost Gets Embalmed

It's really amazing that The Undertaker has been wrestling equally long every bit he has, not so much because of the difficulty of being in such a physically demanding profession for 25 years, only because he should've been arrested for attempted murder on more than than one occasion.

One example came during a Monday Nighttime Raw segment with Steve Austin where The Rattlesnake was smothered by Taker backstage then dragged abroad to his famous hearse. The original programme was to simply coffin Austin live, just Steve woke up at the grave site and began fighting back until Taker was able to subdue him over again and decided that burying wasn't enough. Taker and Bearer ended up taking Austin to a local mortuary with the intent of embalming him alive and even got as far as having him set up on the coroner'south table, shirt open, with a knife higher up his chest ready for the incision until Kane somehow showed up to stop The Deadman.

18 18. Mideon Gets Initiated

By the fourth dimension 1999 rolled around, it was time for The Undertaker to reinvent himself, which is something he'due south had quite the knack for doing over the years every bit we'd observe out. Re-emerging onto our TVs, The Undertaker appeared every bit a demonic cult leader looking to spread the power of darkness and take over the WWE.

In that location'due south no better way to get that thought over than with a chip of good erstwhile fashioned human sacrifice, as Dennis Knight plant out the hard fashion. Afterwards existence tortured by what turned out to exist The Ministry building of Darkness, Knight was brought out onto the stage seemingly unconscious while The Undertaker made his dramatic re-debut, telling the world about his plans to spread darkness. Knight was re named Mideon by Taker and forced to potable The Deadman'south blood before having the symbol of The Undertaker etched into his breast with a dagger while Taker was speaking in ancient tongues.

17 17. Brawl For All


During The Attitude Era, the WWE was about one thing in a higher place anything else, realism. They wanted what was happening on screen to seem like information technology wasn't coming from a squad of writers in the back and that the performers on screen weren't just following a script. They thought the best way to accomplish that was to stray away from their norm and actually arrive real. Then they came up with the bright idea to have a real life battle/MMA tournament called Brawl for All. The main purpose of this tournament was to button "Dr. Expiry" Steve Williams to the top of the card by having him look like a legit bad ass, but there was ane large problem with that plan; this wasn't scripted.

Williams was KO'd in the second round, destroying all the plans that the WWE had for the outcome, making them scramble for a new big finish, so they decided to bring in Butterbean to face off against the winner of the tournament, Bart Gunn, at WrestleMania Fifteen. Things went about likewise as you would expect from a wrestler taking on a world famous boxer in a straight boxing friction match with Bart Gunn embarrassing the whole company, keeping the image of wrestlers only beingness false fighters who can't actually hold their ain alive and well.

sixteen 16. The Undertaker Hangs Big Boss Man


During the early stages of The Undertaker'due south WrestleMania streak, in that location were more than a fair share of duds, including his lucifer confronting The Big Dominate Human being which took place within the confines of Hell In A Cell.

Obviously Taker went on to win the contes,t but it's what happened after the lucifer that had people talking the next day, as with the help of The Brood, Boss Man was hung from the superlative of the cell as it ascended back up to the rafters. The poor Boss Man just couldn't catch a break back in The Mental attitude Era, as we'll talk nearly a piddling later, but this was certainly an instance of things going a petty too far in the wrestling ring. While we're fine with watching people punch each other in the face up or striking each other with steel chairs, seeing someone go lynched right in the middle of the band was a touch too much for virtually.

15 fifteen. Vince Is The Higher Ability

One of the biggest storylines that ran through The Attitude Era involved finding the identity of the mystery human that was pulling The Undertaker'south strings, forcing The Ministry to do heinous things like kidnap Stephanie McMahon and force her to ally The Deadman. Luckily for her, Steve Austin was there to continue The Ministry at bay which led to one of the well-nigh underwhelming reveals in WWE history, as the Higher Ability that was behind The Undertaker was none other than Vince McMahon himself.

The homo behind the plans to torture the McMahon family and make life equally difficult as possible for everyone unlucky to cantankerous their paths was the patriarch of the McMahons...he really must have hated Steve Austin to put his family unit through all of that I approximate.

Instead of using the golden opportunity that was sitting right in their laps to create a new star, the WWE went with the laziest road possible, choosing instead to reignite the McMahon/Austin feud that had really run it's class by that signal.

14 14. The Artist Formerly Known Every bit Goldust


Always since his debut, the whole point of the Goldust gimmick was to test the boundaries of the audience and make them question exactly what it was they were watching. Immediately upon his debut, he was achieving that goal, pushing the limit of what the audition was comfortable watching calendar week afterward week, only things got pushed fifty-fifty further during The Attitude Era.

After splitting paths with his wife Terri, Goldust constitute himself a valet that could match him in terms of strangeness, hooking up with Luna Vachon. This is when Goldust went in an entirely new direction and started being referred to equally The Creative person Formerly Known As Goldust, ditching the trademark gold outfit and facepaint for something a little more abstruse. He began wearing more dominatrix like outfits in a broad variety of vomit inducing colors, along with the occasional bra and ball gag. He was truly a sight to behold, you just couldn't go along your optics on it for likewise long.

xiii 13. Meat and PMS


This entry could have just been about PMS, the trio of Jacqueline, Terri Runnels, and Ryan Shamrock, every bit it didn't take long for the trio to live upwards to that awful name while messing with D-Lo Brown, but that's something nosotros'll go into more detail nearly a little later.

While what they did to D-Lo was pretty atrocious, what they did to Shawn Stasiak was just as bad and this was back when he was known as Meat. Stasiak was used as a boy toy for the grouping, who apace turned into a jobber after starting his run with an undefeated streak because he started getting as well tired from making love to the trio before his matches. All that led to the classic one-act deed of slipping an unknowing participant a certain pill to help with erectile dysfunction, causing Stasiak to try and piece of work a friction match with an "erection." Comedic gold.

12 12. Mark Henry And The Transvestite


Poor Mark Henry never caught a break in the love department throughout The Attitude Era, despite being billed every bit 'Sexual Chocolate.' Henry institute himself infatuated with the ninth wonder of the world Chyna and was desperate to practise whatsoever it took to impress the mastodon of a women.

Henry kept chipping away at Chyna until she finally relented and proposed a wild idea to Sexual Chocolate, involving her good friend Sammy. Henry and his new friend Sammy got along rather famously and even plant themselves solitary in a hotel room one nighttime where things were starting to get a trivial hot and heavy. While getting a niggling bit handsy with his new buddy, Henry felt something below the belt that didn't belong at that place and proceeded to freak out, airsickness right then and there.

The booking squad back in The Attitude Era certain did love themselves gimmick matches. Some were good, some were bad and some were but downright ridiculous, such as this one. Non only were Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco far too old to be stepping in the ring at all, they were doing so over a title. To exist fair it was the Hardcore Title, which had become a bit of a joke by that indicate, simply that'southward abreast the indicate.

Non but were they facing off for a title, but they did and so in perhaps the near ridiculous gimmick match of all fourth dimension, an evening gown lucifer. While everyone back and so loved a adept ol' bra and panties match betwixt two incredibly bonny Divas, the WWE decided to utilise a similar gimmick with two grandpas in a lucifer where the winner would be the first to forcibly remove the other'due south evening gown. We saw two legit legends of the business beingness degraded to naught but a wildly lightheaded sideshow, which goes down equally an embarrassment to anybody involved.

10 10. The Rock Well-nigh Kills Mankind With Chair Shots


In a moment made infamous thanks to the terrific behind the scenes documentary Beyond The Mat, the full impairment a steel chair tin can practise was on display during this I Quit match between The Rock and Mankind.

Wrestlers aren't even allowed to hit each other in the caput with steel chairs anymore, mainly thanks to this match.

Manifestly nosotros know more about the damage multiple shots to the head can do today than we did dorsum in the late 90s, simply that doesn't brand information technology any easier to watch, as Mankind took chair shot after chair shot to his unprotected head. It was a moment so fell that you could almost experience the shots yourself through the screen as The Rock continued to pummel Mankind's head, leaving his scalp cutting wide open afterwards the set on.

ix ix. Beaver Cleavage/Chaz

The man formerly known as Headbanger Mosh found a modicum of success in the WWE. winning the Tag Titles earlier his utter disaster of a re-branding. In The Mental attitude Era, the almost successful stars didn't practise anything besides complicated, as they pretty much merely played themselves turned upwards to xi.

The WWE tried to do the consummate reverse of that with Chaz who was having vignettes aired most his return under the new ring proper name, Beaver Cleavage, which is indeed a play off of a TV show from xl years before. The incredibly awkward vignettes tended to hint at the idea of Beaver existence sexually attracted to his ain mother, simply thankfully these didn't keep too long, equally just a calendar week after his debut, Beaver spoke out against the insane gimmick and rechristened himself Chaz, with the adult female playing his mother actually being his girlfriend.

That seems like a footstep in the correct direction until WWE started playing up the angle of Chaz being a women beater and getting incredible heat from the other wrestlers for it. Going from a human lusting afterwards his own mother to an alleged women beater surprisingly isn't the style become a main eventer.

8 8. Large Boss Human being Crashes A Funeral

It seems that during The Attitude Era, whatsoever wild and crazy storyline that the writers could come upwards with would finish up on TV, unremarkably beingness carried out by The Big Dominate Man. Nosotros already covered one incident and at that place's another on the way, but for now nosotros'll talk about the time he got a little carried away during the funeral for Large Testify'due south father, or more accurately Evidence'south dad got carried abroad.

The camera came in on Big Bear witness saying a few words over his dad's coffin while friends and family somberly watched on, until Dominate Man came in, driving an former fashioned cop car with a comically big speaker attached to the superlative, spouting insults at every member of Big Show's family, including asking Big Show's mom if she'd go out with him at present that she'due south single.

Evidently Show didn't accept too kindly to this and tried to assail Boss Man, but it was all role of the program, as after Show was knocked to the basis, Boss Man chained the coffin to the bumper of his machine, while saying that Big Evidence's dad always wanted to be a drag queen, and then he was going to make that wish come true by dragging the coffin effectually the cemetery. Big Bear witness made ane last ditch endeavor by jumping onto the runaway coffin equally Boss Human being drove away.

7 vii. Birth Of A Hand

At that place isn't much doubting that this was ane of the most iconic moments of The Attitude Era, something that has been permanently scarred into the minds of anyone unfortunate enough to take seen the event alive.

The whole angle was pretty horrifying from the beginning. With someone the size of Mark Henry dating someone the age of Mae Young, you knew it wasn't going to cease well for the pair. When Mae Young announced that she was pregnant, we knew something foul was going to come from it, merely no i had any idea of what was about to come.

During a match that pitted Mark Henry against Crash Holly, Young delivered a splash before doubling over due to what appeared to be stomach pain. Once backstage and surrounded my medical personnel, it was revealed that it was time for Mae to evangelize the child, but as the whole audition watched in disgust, we constitute out it wasn't a whole human in at that place, it was only a prosthetic hand.

half-dozen 6. Choppy Inclement Pee Pee


Maybe the virtually infamous quote from the entire history of the WWE, "I inclement choppy your pee pee!" is truly something that could have only ever came from The Attitude Era. In archetype late 1990s mode, the feud between "adult star" Val Venis and overtly racist Japanese grouping Kaientai began when Venis made a new moving picture starring the married woman of the group'south manager, Mrs. Yamaguchi.

When that news came out, Mrs. Yamagichi's married man was furious, threatening to take his frustrations out on his married woman until Venis made the salve. That was when the Japanese leader truly had enough, demonstrating his next plan of assault using a samurai sword and a salami, screaming at Venis that he was going to "Inclement choppy your pee pee!" The threat well-nigh came true too as the group had Venis tied upwardly in the back mere seconds away from existence able to deliver the castrating blow until the lights went out thanks to none other than John Wayne Bobbitt... who actually had his function cut off by his wife in real life.

five 5. Al Snow, Large Boss Human and Pepper

Poor Pepper, that trivial dog sure had a tough life in the WWE starting off with having the misfortune of being paired with Al Snowfall every bit a way to help silence the voices in his head. Things simply got worse when Snow started feuding with The Large Boss Man.

Dominate Man was so desperate to go a shot at the Hardcore Title that he kidnapped Pepper from Snow to threaten the puppy until Al granted him a shot at the title. Snow relented and gave Dominate Man the championship shot he so desperately wanted, but the erstwhile prison guard wasn't about to requite up his leverage that easily, as he left the ring following their match with the dog even so in his possession.

It seemed as if Dominate Man was finally having a flake of a change of heart, as he offered Snowfall his dog back if he'd meet him at his hotel room. When Snow got there, the canis familiaris was nowhere to be found, which Boss Human blew off by saying Pepper was at the groomer, while Snow was offered a plate of beefiness and noodles. After Snow took a few bites, Boss Man revealed that Al Snowfall had just eaten his own puppy. The worst part of it all was still to come though, equally they had an infamous Kennel From Hell match, which was the way they chose to end this feud.

4 4. Terri'due south Imitation Miscarriage


We talked briefly near the PMS group and their diabolical program to get D-Lo Chocolate-brown on their side a little bit earlier, only now is the time to dig into how truly awful this story was. It all started with Terri Runnels managing and being in a relationship with Val Venis, who ended up getting her significant. When Val heard the news, he dumped her on the spot, leaving Terri struggling to notice someone new to fill the void in her life.

While trying to win the favor of D'Lo Chocolate-brown, for some reason, she got knocked off the ring apron by Brown, leading to a miscarriage for Ms. Runnels. Brown felt so bad that he started working with Terri and Jaqueline who were blackmailing D'Lo into doing all of their dirty piece of work. This would continue until, in a classic Vince Russo twist, he found out that Terri was never meaning, leading to a hostile split between the two. Wow.

iii 3. Mae Immature Flashes The Crowd


There are very few things that fans in the late 90s loved more than puppies. Information technology was a huge marketing betoken for the visitor and pretty much the only thing that came out of Jerry Lawler'due south rima oris as he boyishly ogled the women well beyond the point of making everyone listening feel uncomfortable. The only thing more unanimous amidst the WWE faithful than their love of puppies was their disdain over Mae Immature's.

Back at the Royal Rumble in 2000, there was a Ms. Royal Rumble bikini contest, because that's a thing they loved to do back in the day, which was originally supposed to be contested by Ivory, Jacqueline, The Kat, Luna Vachon, and Terri Runnels until the last minute improver of Mae Immature to the contest.

Immature certainly had the most bourgeois of the swimsuits, rocking an onetime lady one-piece suit, merely she didn't keep herself covered for long, equally she would whip out her puppies in an attempt to print the judges. Somehow, that was enough to win the contest over her much younger, and more attractive, competition and Mae Young became the start, and only, Ms. Royal Rumble.

2 ii. Hawk Falls Off Titantron

Information technology seems then obvious now, but even dorsum in the belatedly nineties, bringing The Road Warriors back into the fold couldn't take been considered a good idea. E'er since their initial run with the company roughly six years earlier, the pair deteriorated slowly, more than and then Hawk than Beast, into a earth consumed past nothing, simply drugs and alcohol.

Classic Attitude Era WWE decided that realism was more important than annihilation else and began incorporating the personal struggles of Hawk into storylines, having him "portray" an alcoholic who wasn't able to compete in the ring anymore. Animal found a new partner in Droz, which had less than a zero pct chance of succeeding in the showtime place, and they constitute themselves involved in ane of the nigh ludicrous moments in wrestling history.

Somewhen, Militarist had plenty of being pushed aside past his former friend and climbed to the summit of the titantron, threatening to jump and kill himself, only for Animate being's new partner to follow him to the top, attempting to reason with the man. As if that wasn't insane enough, it ended with Droz casually pushing Hawk off the top and a silhouette being shown behind the screen of Militarist's body falling to the flooring.

ane 1. Trish Forced To Bark Like a Dog


Zip defines the glorified era quite like Vince McMahon degrading women and inflating his own ego, and in this instance nosotros get classic examples of both! Early in her WWE career, Trish Stratus wasn't seen as a wrestler, as she was but arm candy for whoever the flavor of the month was to try and garner some involvement. It didn't take long for Trish to find herself paired up with Vince McMahon, merely let's face information technology, if you were in accuse, yous'd volume the exact same affair.

Trish started showing signs of wanted to break free of the oppressive relationship, but when her first attempt failed, Vince wanted to make an example out of the future Hall of Famer.  Vince forced Trish to make an absolute fool of herself, ordering her to become on her hands and knees, screaming ""Now so, I desire you lot to tell me in dog language just how sorry you are! Okay? Yeah, tell me in domestic dog language! Speak, Trish, speak! Yep, Bawl LIKE A DOG!""

If that wasn't horrifying enough, he followed that with orders for Stratus to strip while apologizing to him in one of the virtually disgusting segments of all time.

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