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After breaking the news to everyone back in August that she and estranged husband Jamie were separating, to the stupor of their millions of fans on YouTube, Australian online personality Nikki Perkins is now updating fans on how life has been for her and her daughters mail service-split.

The model, mom and older sister of swain model Duckie Thot did a video from her new dwelling house, telling fans she moved out of the house she and Jamie shared and has been giving herself a fresh start.

"If you don't know, Jamie and I have separated. I moved out of the house about three months ago," she said. "Those of you who are similar mad confused right now, I totally become it. It kind of looked like all of this was sudden; but in reality, things were not skillful for a very long fourth dimension and I knew that within myself and I think it came across on camera as well."

Nikki said she was not a expert actor and couldn't hide her emotions equally things in their relationship got worse because they prove on her face up. She believes if people look closely, they could probably tell looking back at more than recent videos the old couple shot together that something wasn't right with them. Those shut to them, friends and family unit, knew things were off.

For the record, she is ready to divorce Jamie and is only "separated" because of the constabulary in their country.

"In Australia, divorce works differently. I call back in other countries you tin file for divorce straight away, but in Australia, yous have to be separated for at least a twelvemonth earlier y'all tin fifty-fifty file for divorce," she said. "That's the only reason I utilize the term 'separated.' Merely if information technology were different, I would have been divorced yesterday."

She was initially concerned about how her young daughters would handle the carve up, merely then far, being around her family and seeing their mother in a happier place has helped them somewhat in this tough transition.

"As far as Ava and Zoe, you know, they surprise me every single twenty-four hours with their strength. They are what go on me going," she said. "Seeing them transition into this new phase, this is not something that is piece of cake for kids. Ava's a actually intelligent girl. I know she's only 3, merely she's very in tune with her feelings and she can sense when something's not correct. In proverb that, I idea this change would be a lot harder on her, simply she's actually been relatively happy."

"The energy is just so different over here and my kids can sense that I'g happier and mommy is more than relaxed," she added. "Even though this is not a 'happy' thing, it'due south definitely a better thing because mommy is happier."

She'southward also moved content to her own YouTube channel, which she's calling Simply Nikki. There will be decor videos and likely more beauty vlogs besides. Just if you're expecting her to be posting with the consistency that she and Jamie were doing equally a couple, which was multiple times a week, that'south not what she has planned for herself or her kids.

"I just don't want to do that thing where vlogging takes upwardly all of our time anymore," she said. "I want to spend a lot more ane-on-i time with them off-camera. I did that earlier but you know, I just want to take my time with it."

Nikki says that moving forrad without Jamie hasn't been easy because she was with him for a proficient portion of her young adult life. However, she'south done what's all-time for herself and looks frontwards to where life will accept her at present.

"It's not an piece of cake thing to go through," she said. "We were married for vi years. That's a big clamper out of your life. That's pretty much all my twenties [laughs] were spent in this human relationship then it's not something that I'yard going to say, 'I'm only totally over it and I'yard living my best life and everything's amazing!' I'm in a happier place mentally then that'southward good only there's still that hurt at that place because for me, it was very much real. Simply that's life and we've got to move on."

"I think that it's going to be amazing," she said of her new journey. "I feel it in me. Like I can feel that things are going to exist astonishing for me and my girls and I'k just so excited to see what the future'southward going to bring for the states."